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Friday 10 June 2011

The Art of Negotiation

Negotiating is something that we all have to do in life, and, in some cases, it is a craft.  We do it subconsciously, but a lot of the time, to get the better deal, we do it consciously. While we want something out of negotiating whatever it may be, we always have to think about the recipient or the recipients, and what they are going to get out of the negotiation. It is a skill that we pick up from an early age, but one that takes a considerable amount of time to hone into something that can take us to all the places we want to be in life. 

Let’s single negotiating out to working in your place of work, and how it is needed to step up in the ladder of whatever profession you choose.

To get where you need to go, negotiating is not just a tad helpful, but it is a required tool. No matter the work place you reside in, and who you are intending to negotiate with, it can be what makes or breaks your career. Especially since it is linked with communication.

If you can’t communicate yourself well enough when trying to get what you require, then taking this communication to the next step where you are negotiating something important is useless. You won’t be able to get what you want out the negotiation and nor will the person you are trying to sway into whatever scenario it is.  

Say that the situation is a really important one like trying to sell something to a would-be business partner. Without a clear route of communication (which could be through a presentation, emailing, or just talking) what could end up as being an excellent money making deal could fall flat on its face because of how this negotiation is communicated. You need to show the pros and cons of what the would-be business partner is buying into, otherwise, they are just not going to buy into it. 

This is one of the many reasons why negotiation can get you to places you may have not been able to go without it. It can be simple 'negotiating' with family for the last bag of sweets, or it can be broad; one that jumps over to the work place where you have to step up your game if you want to further your chosen career. 

And there you have it, a scenario of negotiation and why it is a must-have skill. 

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