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Friday 26 August 2011

Unit 8, 3.4 "Explain the relationship between the specific team and others within the organisation."

Unit 8, 3.4 - "Explain the relationship between the specific team and others within the organisation."

Within my work place, we are a very small team who consist of an in-house director, a producer and co-producer.
Christopher Nolan with producer Emma Thomas

The producers in our company have to work very closely with the director when they are working on a project together.

The film we are filming at the moment is a company production, both producers are on board, and our director is in the directing chair. This means that everything that we do, the director and producers have to constantly speak to each other about the project. 

We also have our own Head of Development, a role that is freelance.

The director deals with the creative side to the film. The director at my company has had many meetings with actors, our cinematographer, has gone up set to check out the locations, and more. Everything that the director does is to realise the visual vision.

The producers have a say in on the creativity of the film, too, but their main angle is to work on all the business side of the project - to find the funding, to secure the cast, and so on. 

The directors vision needs to be communicated with the producer/s so they can get the right cast, the amount of money that is needed, and the people that will help this vision come alive on the big screen.

The Head of Development has a say on the project, too. Their role is a lot more involved in the pre-production stages (looking over the script, making suggestion changes, estimating how much the film should cost to make and what it will make). They will work mostly with the producers, but when it comes to the script, the director will have a say on what the development head says, too. 

Filmmaking is not just a singular effort, it is all about the team work. 

1 comment:

  1. you have helped my life so much with these assignments haha
