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Friday 2 September 2011

Unit 4, 3.1 "Explain what is meant by continuous professional development."

Unit 4, 3.1 - "Explain what is meant by continuous professional development."

Developing professionally in your work place is vital. When you start a job, especially one that you have had no experience prior to, it is expected of you to learn about the job you have been hired for, and that comes with getting your hands stuck into all the work that comes with it.  

To explain what continuous professional development is, I'll give you an example:

Say that someone beings work as an Admin Assistant. At the start of this job, you will be given the basics of work - emailing, taking messages, scanning, faxing, printing and so forth. All of those tasks will become day-to-day necessities throughout the job. 

As time goes by and you have taken on these roles, other opportunities to have more tasks in your work day will pop up. These tasks will usually be more responsible and trustworthy - using the company card, handling the petty cash, etc. 

Improving in your job equals more opportunities, and ultimately, more money. If you are trusted in your job by your colleagues, then there will be a lot more room for improvement and experience. 

So, all in all, that is what continuous development is. You are constantly improving upon your performance at work - starting from the bottom, and making your way to the top via constantly learning new tasks; new skills. 

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