About Me

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A college created blog that shall follow all the courses I undertake on my apprenticeship. Comical, and terribly cringe-worthy mishaps are inevitable.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

My Digital Life

This is obviously not me, but you get the idea.
Since the age of 8, there has always been a computer in my household. Before there were computers in my Primary School, I became equipped to knowing the basics that, at the time, seemed pretty professional (ranging from knowing what LOL meant, to Ctrl-Alt-Del.)

As any other person with computer access, I use my laptop daily. Mostly, when I have a spurge of inspiration, it is used for writing. When it concerns writing, I find when I have hit an idea, that if I am typing it down rather than using a pen and paper, I can get my jumbled thoughts out a lot more quickly, and with more coherence than if I resorted to the pen and paper method.

I am one in a million (quite literally) when it comes to not having a Facebook and Twitter account.  Though I am now managing my work places’ Facebook and Twitter; tweeting and status-updating on various things going on with the film they are shooting, I don’t have my own personal accounts. Why? Because, apart from a business aspect, I don’t feel I need them on a personal level. At some point, when promoting my freelance work, I know I will have to jump on board the fad and get myself out there, but for now, I am content with writing various articles for websites when I get the time, and running my blog which I started up in May, Feminising Film.

I am not a novice when it comes to communicating digitally with friends, family, and potential colleagues, though. From emailing Literary Agents with chapters of my book, in hope that they will represent me, to messaging friends and family, these are some of the many digital communication systems out there that I use.And of course I couldn't forget my trusty Blackberry.

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