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Tuesday 1 November 2011

Unit 2, 1.3 "Describe how to give and receive constructive feedback."

 Unit 2, 1.3 – Describe how to give and receive constructive feedback
 Giving and receiving constructive feedback is very important in whatever you do no matter if it is in a job or not. While you can help others with their own performance by saying what you think they are working well on and the areas where that are in need of improvement, someone can do the same for you.
To give constructive feedback all you really need to do is identify the areas that work well, and the ones that don’t and tell the person who has presented their idea to you.
When it comes to receiving feedback, it is always good to take on what someone has said about you and your work on board, even if you don’t agree with it.  Having another opinion minus our own on our work helps a considerable amount with getting an end product that is much better than it was without that feedback.
I have linked two examples of giving, and receiving feedback, but done in a manner that I is both constructive, but highlights the positives. 
Joy has given feedback on one of my units here.
While I have given feedback on three other apprentices in the group, including Joy, here.  

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