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Sunday 13 November 2011

Unit 3, 3.1 "Describe the changing expectations of audiences and consumers in a specific creative industry."

Unit 3, 3.1 "Describe the changing expectations of audiences and consumers in a specific creative industry."

Having spoken about the TV industry before in Unit 8, it seemed suiting to speak about it here again, as it is a creative industry that has been heavily affected by the expectations of audiences and consumers.

Because those that consume and watch TV expect that everything is going to be instant, as mentioned in my Literary/TV essay, television companies had to re-think the way that they broadcasted their shows, and how, for people that wanted easy access to shows whenever they would like, could have an option.

This option came in the form of online, legal, streaming and downloading in the shape of BBCiPlayer, 4oD - and so forth - for internet users. And for those that prefer to watch their programmes on a bigger screen, you now have the choice, with a Sky+ box, to pause and rewind live TV, while recording shows to watch at a later date without using a DVD/Video recorder.

Of course we can’t battle illegal downloading/streaming, as that is something that has risen considerably over the past few years or so, but there are ways that TV networks have tried to counter that part of the industry, which can be seen with these stats of how many people are watching on-demand television.

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